the future is diverse. so are we.
manitakhi collaborates with thinkers, taking on projects that blend our love of design and our deep belief to advance society sustainably. We create branding, graphic design and advertisement. Our heart beats for gender-neutral, inclusive communication for companies, institutions and individuals. We believe in visual concepts without stereotypes and create sustainable change through behavioural design. There is a lot to be done. WHO WE ARE
behavioural communication design
Through Behavioural Communication Design we reach undiscovered and untapped target groups. Doing away with old societal roles, 100% discrimination-free: Welcome to 2021! WHAT WE DO
always unorthodox
Digital User Experience needs dramatic effect, editorial is a buzz and advertising may be all sorts of things, except boring and degrading. We think in an unorthodox way and act across various fields, so that communication gets to the point. Always looking for insights, we have a passion for breath-taking sustainable design. HOW AND WHY
sexism are
you talking
You are
sexism are
you talking
You are
What is the
You don‘t
have a sense
of humor!
What is the
You don‘t
have a sense
of humor!
Wir lachen
zwar über
„Mad Men“,
dennoch hat
sich nicht so
viel geändert.
Time for
Wir lachen
zwar über
„Mad Men“,
dennoch hat
sich nicht so
viel geändert.
Time for
It‘s just
a joke!
Ads must
It‘s just
a joke!
Ads must
No to: Race Gender LGBTQ Age Beauty Disabilty Ethnicity Biases
No to: Race Gender LGBTQ Age Beauty Disabilty Ethnicity Biases